Old News

Don't check the news, and don't miss out, with the news app that gets better the less you use it… Keep up with the most important stories at your own pace, and let us bring you up to speed on what you've missed, whether it's been a week, a month, or a year.

So, go ahead, stop checking the news. Heck, don't use this app!

When you do, though, you'll find a delightfully simple reading experience, sans distractions, and missing most of the features you'd expect in a news app.

Download on the App Store

P.S. For now, Old News only follows the Hacker News community, making for a fantastically nerdy lean. More to come, if that's not your thing. Then again, maybe that should be your thing… Try it out!


How does it work?
It's pretty simple. We keep track of which stories you've seen, and show you the top stories you haven't seen yet. There's a slight twist, though, in that stories are (slowly, but exponentially) decayed over time. An important story from yesterday is still more relevant than one from last year.
Does it work on [insert device]?
Only iPhones for now. I'm lazy, but yell loud enough and I'll listen…
Do you spy on me?
We only track the bare minimum to support the app (read stories, saved stories, etc.) and never anything that could identify a person.
What's your plan to make money?
No plan. I wanted this to exist for myself, and happy to share it with you. Hosting isn't very expensive for now so I'll just pay for it.
Questions / Suggestions / Support?
Sure. Send me an email at support at mitchcrowe dot com. I'll try my best…